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Tuesday, March 29, 2011


I got a phone call this morning while Aunt L and I were in a meeting (more about that later...) and was offered the job at Michael's!!! I start on Sunday morning at 11 AM!! I'm so excited.

So the meeting this morning was getting background info on the family and the family structure with Chris and all that. Roy (the dude we talked to) told us that the family program that they have doesn't start until August and it is four and a half months long, so we can't do a whole lot with the Hope and Healing Place until then. But they did say that they are going to be open to us to use and would like it if we came to them. They are all about safety of the "clients". They wanted to make the rooms inviting and safe for everyone who walked in the door. They are also really big on confidentiality, which if they weren't I'd have a lot more negative things to say about them. I know that I need some private, one-on-one counseling, but I am really reluctant to do group therapy. I've never had good experiences in group therapy. I know that it is family, but that just makes it even more daunting. I know that I would hide what I'm really thinking and feeling just to try to somehow protect them. I'm not sure why this is a big deal to me to try to do that. I mean, we are here because we don't know how to communicate and feel free to do so. It's going to take some time for all of us to get comfortable and used to the idea of talking without reservation about Chris.

I got to talk to my Daddy today. He asked how everybody was doing since Chris died. He didn't really ask about me, but I think that it is because he knew that I was driving during our phone call and it wouldn't have been a good idea for me to start crying. He is really worried about Grandma and Ethan. We all are. Especially about Grandma. Grandma and Chris had a super strong, very special relationship that can't be topped.

It's been a good day!!

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