Brian and I have been trying lately to get some stuff out of our storage shed to be sold. That way, we can pay off more of my student loans, get us a second car, pay off his car, basic bills and such. When Brian and his sister attempted to open a liquor store, they spent over $1500 on shelving units. When the business didn't go through, we were stuck trying to store all of those shelves. So we bought a contract and started leasing out a storage unit. Last week, I listed the shelves, with 4 pictures on craigslist and within 48 hours, I had a guy interested in them. What is unusual is that he would be willing to come from central Missouri to us to get them. He was really interested! Last night, Brian called him and worked out some of the details (like the numbers/dimensions that I didn't know) and said that he was going to stop by sometime on Monday morning.
Today, we went over to his parents' house to get some pictures of some stuff they wanted me to list online. So, I grabbed the pictures that I needed and got some information about the items. When we all got back home, I got a phone call from another man about all of the shelves. I told him that we already had a potential buyer, but if Buyer #1 didn't take them on Monday, that I would give him a call and he could come get them. He's from OKC, so the drive is much better! It looks like either way, by mid-afternoon tomorrow, I should have half of my storage space free!!! I also have about 10 other ads on craigslist for things from a picture to alcohol bar signs (decoration aforementioned liquor store). His mom wants to sell 2 water troughs from the horses they used to have. His sister wants me to list her two dogs and all of their accessories (dog houses, automatic dog feeder, bathtub). I worked out the math for our items. If we get our asking price on everything that I have for sale (except for my mother-in-law and my sister-in-law's stuff), we will get just over $2300!! That would be AMAZING!!!! Now maybe we might could get the Kindle that we had to pass up on Valentine's Day...
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