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Saturday, March 26, 2011


Thursday afternoon, I got a phone call from Joanna at Michael's craft store and she asked me for an interview. The interview was scheduled for Friday afternoon and I'm pretty sure that I got the job. I was feeling pretty confident about the interview after Joanna and I were done, and apparently she felt the same way. The store manager, Greg, bumped back another interview/appointment in order to complete mine first!! That can only be a good sign, right?! And they talked about doing background checks, so I'm definitely in the running for this job!! I'm so excited that I might actually be getting a paycheck soon again!! I definitely need it...

In other news...there really isn't much other news. Except I've been consuming greater quantities of Dr. Pepper and hot dogs. This is because at virtually every corner, there is a gas station that has 44 oz. cups and Dr. Pepper at the fountain. All of it for 79 cents. Yeah, I've had a Dr. Pepper every day for the last week and a half. And the hot dogs...well, there is a REALLY GOOD hot dog stand downtown, on Polk Street. OMG. Their "Downtown Dog" is to die for. Plump juicy hot dog, covered in jalepeno chili, onions, and cheese. It is quite literally, in explosion of wonderful in your mouth. :) It's that good. The down side is that they are only open M-F for lunch and Fri & Sat nights from 9pm to 2:30am.

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